
The acting roots of Stephen Harris can be traced back to the wilds of Labrador, more specifically, to the tiny planned community of Churchill Falls; the place where he was born. It was here that the first seeds of theatre were planted. After winning awards for his role as Charlie Brown in a play written/compiled by his high schools drama club and participating in 8 different drama festivals over the course of 2 years, those seeds blossomed, enveloping Stephen.

In a semi conscious condition at the end of High School, Stephen decided to forgo his plans to pursue what he desired most. In an attempt to obtain a "real" career, Stephen moved to the province of Nova Scotia to study Computer Science. A year and a half, and two post secondary institutions later, Stephen returned to his home province, feeling empty. One Month later, on the wings of pure luck, Stephen began his acting Career.

From his first professional role as a pirate in 1998 to his role as Aaron in Al Pittman's West Moon in 2002, Stephen has performed in 20 different shows. Most of his career thus far has been dedicated to helping define the arts community in the Trinity/Conception bay area of Newfoundland. In 1999 Stephen helped co-ordinate a project which was implimented to inspire a resurface of the fading arts programs offered in the school system. The program filled a void by making available several workshops dealing with all aspects of theatre, music and art; Several improvisation nights and live theatre shows were offered to the public and as a company they organized the 1999 High school drama festival to a huge success.

A couple years later, Stephen would return to a lot of those students when touring a hit comedy What's on Next which was performed over 120 times encompasing all of Newfoundland and Labrdor.

Since leaving Carbonear Stephen has lived and performed in 2 different places in Newfoundland. First, it was Gander and with the Avion Players he completed two shows; Renardo J. Snogg in The Red Shoes and Adam in the award winning show The complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged). After only a year there, he moved to the capitol city of St. John's where he worked in a production of Dracula.

Stephen currently still lives in St. John's where he has finally made a break into film. Since 2004, he has had the lead role in 2 Independence films and a minor role in another. His first lead role in A Still Small Voice was accepted to both the Nickel Independent Film festival and the Atlantic Film fest, which is one of the biggest in Canada. The 2nd film was just recently completed and now being submitted to the festival circuit.

Ultimatly, Stephen plans to end up in a larger center where he believes his career can be fully explored. Until then, he'll satisfy his urges by taking on whatever roles he can in St. John's.


© 2004 amanda e. penton